martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014


These notes are only for 2º ESO students.

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014


Hello guys!!
You are mastering your jumping abilities quite fast. Let´s try more challenging tricks.

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


In order to master these tricks I recommend you to practice the tricks first without and then with the rope.
                          BASIC ROPE TRICKS 2

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Warm-up Unit 1 exam

The deadline to do the exam will be next saturday at 9 a.m.
Due to unexpected problem with the server, the new deadline will be next friday at 10 p.m

Click here to do the exam

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Basic Rope Tricks 1

This week we are going to start with a new unit " Rope jumping". This fitness activity contributes significantly to the development of coordination, rhythm, timing, agility, aerobic endurance, and leg strength. Let´s start with the basic rope tricks.

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

First Aid

Hello everyone!!
This week we have had a very special visit, the people from SAMUR- Protección Civil. As you know they have been talking about First Aid and what you need to know to make you feel confident and willing to give first aid. Click on the link below if you want to review the presentation.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Web para repasar el vocabulario de la primera evaluación

Hello guys!!!
Ya tenéis disponible todos los sets de palabras que tendréis que aprender para la primera evaluación. Para ello vamos a utilizar una página web muy útil, se llama Quizlet y tiene este aspecto(pincha en la imagen para hacerla mas grande):

Ahora os voy a explicar paso a paso cómo empezar a utilizarla:
  1.     Acceder a la página web desde internet:
  2.     Crear una cuenta. Vuestro username (nombre de usuario), tiene que ser vuestro nombre y           apellidos. Esto es importante para que yo sepa quién sois.
  3.   Cuando ya tenéis vuestra cuenta activada, solo queda que busquéis mi nombre de usuario (yerayaranda) en  el buscador de Quizlet y localicéis vuestra clase. Os aparecerá esto:

      4.  Cuando hayáis localizado vuestra clase hacéis click en ella, ahora sólo tenéis que hacer click                en el cuadrado verde donde dice join class. A mí me llegará un aviso y cuando os acepte ya                  estaréis preparados empezar a utilizar Quizlet.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Fitness Workout

After assessing our basic physical attributes with all the tests that we have done in class, now is time to try to get fit, to boost our physical condition. The easiest way to get in shape is to have a plan, a proper fitness program has five components: a warm-up, an aerobic workout, strength-building exercises, stretching (flexibility), and a cool-down.
And remember, being fit should mean incorporating things into your life that you can eventually do by habit.
Here you can check the workout routine that we will follow for the next couple of months. You will do one session at the school every week, and one or two more on your own.
click here to see the Fitness workout program

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

postural hygiene

Next we are going to have a look to the basic position hygiene measures we have to take into account in order to avoid any overload in our back.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

How to do a proper abdominals workout

Check this video out and learn how to do a proper abdominals workout. This year we will try to strengthen our core muscle, but we do not want to get hurt on our lower back or to feel stiffness on the neck after exercising our abdominals. Please pay attention and try to do it next time I ask you to do sit-ups.