jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

Instrucciones para el trabajo final de 1º de ESO

Dear students, this will be the last project that you must hand in for this course on 1st grade physical education.
You will demonstrate your knowledge about physical attributes, and how they are related to your daily activities and the sports that you like.
Make sure to complete all the required points and do a YOUR OWN work. Remember that copying/plagiarizing without listing the source will result in a failed project.
1.    Name and describe the 4 physical attributes.
2.    Appearance of the physical attributes in the sport: choose one sport for each physical attribute where you use mainly that ability. In case that the sport requires 2 or more of them, describe in what part of the game it is mainly used and why.
3.    Give 3 exercises for the improvement of each physical attribute (it can be related to the sport that you named in the point #2). There must be 12 exercises (3 for each physical attribute x 4 attributes).
4.    Relationship between the physical attributes and your daily activities. Think about what activities that you do either everyday or quite often that require the use of each physical attribute.
5.    In your opinion, what is the most useful physical attribute and why? This is a personal opinion, so you must fill this point with your personal opinion.

       Due date: June 12-14 (both included).
       Format: handwriting or computer-based. PLAIN WHITE PAPER.
       Length: 2 pages maximum.